Values, Services and Commitment

An authentic ceremony – whether for a wedding, a funeral or any other of life’s moments – must be personalized, based on the life journey and deep values of our customers. That’s why CAPSA celebrants are committed to devoting the time needed to create customized ceremonies that are full of meaning and emotion.

CAPSA recommends that its members apply a minimum hourly rate of CHF 80, reflecting the care given to each stage of preparation, from the initial meetings to the celebration itself. As a guide, our association recommends the following flat rates:

and other unions
about 35 hours of work

from CHF 2’500.-

about 15 hours of work

from CHF 1’200.-

about 15 hours of work

from CHF 1’200.-

These amounts may vary according to several factors, including the complexity of the ceremony, the number of participants and specific requests. We are committed to providing you with a clear and transparent quote that reflects your needs and expectations. This will give you a clear picture of the costs associated with your ceremony.

It’s also important to note that travel expenses may be included in the package or billed separately, depending on the location of the ceremony. We do our utmost to offer you a personalized solution tailored to your location, ensuring that every detail is taken into account to make your moment unique and memorable.

Consult our charter

Consult our articles of association

Our articles of association are easy to obtain. Simply make a request via our contact form, and we’ll be happy to send them to you.

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