Marianne Guéroult

Hello !

I love life, I love people, I love words. So I love writing, finding the right words to touch people’s hearts. Whether that heart is in sorrow or joy.

I have training and experience in writing and speaking, and also a lot of experience in listening to and accompanying people at the end of life. In fact, I was a hospital chaplain for several years.

In 2016, I became a mom. But while Mila was being born, her father, the man in my life, was battling illness. And he died 20 months later… When life and death come together in this intimate way, everything is turned upside down. The eternal questions of meaning and nonsense get tangled up until they call everything into question.

It was then that I really wanted to give even more meaning to what I was doing: to open myself up to all people, and especially to those who are questioning themselves, who are searching, who remain outside churches, either because they don’t believe in God or no longer do, or because their beliefs are different… It seems so important to me that each and every one can be accompanied as best as possible:

  • to say goodbye to their deceased loved one,
  • to celebrate his union,
  • to welcome your child into your family by choosing godparents…

That’s why I chose to become a lay celebrant for funerals, weddings and childcare. I can also offer other ceremonies: divorce, death of a pet…

I have the ability to be all things to all people, the skill to listen actively and sympathetically, to create ceremonies in your image, with meaning and depth.

Telephone: +41 76 712 53 84
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